PVsell is no longer accepting new clients
But we can accelerate your business on a free solar software platform that does even more than PVsell!

SunWiz is OpenSolar’s exclusive Australian Sales Training Provider
SunWiz developed PVsell software for ten gruelling years. We’re proud to have created 6000MW of proposals for 2400 clients and 110,000 end-customers, plus improved the professionalism of the solar industry.
Along the way, we’ve picked up immeasurable experience in helping solar retailers improve their business operation AND stand apart from the crowd.
That’s exactly what we will continue to do, only now on the OpenSolar platrform.
OpenSolar is extraordinary. It does everything that PVsell, SolarPlus, and Pylon do, and (best of all) OpenSolar is free!
Of course, your time is valuable, so its best to avoid mistakes when adopting a new software package. Have SunWiz configure OpenSolar for you, train you how to extract maximum benefit from it, and assist you to master it… and then lift your business to new heights.
Here’s some of what we can do for you:
- Kickstart: have the experts set up OpenSolar for you, and move rapidly (in the right direction).
- Pro Training: get the most out of OpenSolar, and maximise your employees’ productivity, with expert training.
- Business Benchmarking: grasp how to increase your sales profits and success, with business internal reporting and market comparison based upon your OpenSolar usage.
- Pro Assistance: keep your business moving, so you can keep deals coming through the door. SunWiz’s assistance answering your questions and removing your roadblocks, including bill and interval meter data input.
- Fully Customised Proposal: win sales at a higher price, by standing apart from the crowd. Harness SunWiz’s expertise in customer proposals, by tailoring OpenSolar’s proposal or generating a fully-customised PVproSell.
Learn more about SunWiz on OpenSolar.
Learn more about OpenSolar.
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